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Selectmen Minutes 08/02/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator and Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant.

Others Present: Matt Cole, Kris Cole, Carolee Davison, Ed Millette, Alan Mayville, Tom Houle, Donna Chagnon, Ann Davis, Theresa Paradise and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Ernest Brochu-Complaint
Mr. Brochu lives on Smith Sanborn Rd and is an abutter to Colman Concrete located on Route 4.  Mr. Brochu stated that he has been woken up by Colman Concrete operations as early as 3:03am in the morning and the last tractor doesn’t turn off until 6:00pm.  Mr. Brochu complained about excessive noise and that the business is not being compliant of the noise ordinance which has quiet hours between 10:00pm-7:00am.  

Mr. Brochu claims that he did not receive an abutters notice for the Site Plan review and that he sent a letter on 9/9/15 to the Board of Selectman that went unanswered.  

Mr. Brochu wants Colman Concrete to be a good neighbor and possibly build a sound blocking wall, and turn off the back up beeping on the trucks.  He also us upset about the light shining from the tower onto his property.  He claims that the sounds are lowering his property value and disrupting his quality of life.  

Glen Horner who is a member on the Epsom Zoning Board of Appeals was at the meeting to support Mr. Brochu and stated that he didn’t believe that the Chichester Zoning Board looked at the entire site when approving the variance for the tower located on Colman Concretes property.  

Mr. DeBold stated that Board will be researching this matter and will be contacting Colman Concrete regarding the noise complaint and ordinance 3.08 obnoxious uses.  

Old Home Day Committee-
Ms. Davis stated it was the Old Home Day Committee’s understanding that all bills were to be submitted to the Town.  Representatives from the Committee include Fire Department, Police Department, Churches, The Grange, and the Historical Society.  Ms. Davis asked to be placed on the agenda to discuss why the bills have not been paid and wanted to understand why they required the approval of the Board when they had good representation of the committee that already approved the expenditures.  So far the Committee had approved a tent/table/chair rental from Taylor rentals for the amount of $696.00 as well as the insurance bill for $1249.00.  

Mrs. Pinard stated that she had received a phone call this afternoon from Mr. Hitchcock very upset in which he stated he thought she was holding up bills.  Mrs. Pinard stated to the Board that she had been in touch with Mr. Boyajian about the cost of the insurance which was already paid and the office had just received an invoice from Taylor Rental on 7/27/16.  Mrs. Pinard stated that she was waiting for the Board to approve the expenditure at tonight’s meeting and that the check had already been cut and would be going out as soon as it was approved.  

Mr. DeBold stated that it was the expectation of the Board to get approval so Mrs. Pinard did the right thing.  

Mrs. Pinard stated that she feels with all of the problems Old Home Day has had in the recent years and not having an event last year that its time that the Town take over the event to ensure it takes place. Mrs. Pinard stated that it’s one of the most redeeming qualities of the town, that it’s an event soaked in tradition and wants the event to thrive.

Ms. Davis stated that she wanted the Town to take it over in the past and feels the Town should take it over now.  

Stephen Stock-Fire Warden
Mr. Stock stated that he stopped at what he thought was a traffic accident on his way to a toned call during a wind/thunder and lightning storm.  While checking on the people pulled over on the side of the road a gust of wind came and bent Mr. Stocks truck door back, breaking it off the hinge.  

Mr. Stock placed a call through his insurance company and has a $250.00 detectible.  He also filed a joint loss claim with the Town.  

Mrs. Pinard stated that she had spoken with Primex and they will not cover the incident due him stopping at a untoned call.  

Mr. Jordan stated that Mr. Stock had an obligation to stop and he would be upset if he didn’t and wanted the Town to cover the copay costs.  

Mr. Jordan made a motion to reimburse Mr. Stock for the $250.00 insurance deductible to repair his vehicle on the way to a medical emergency. Mr. DeBold seconds. Motion passes.

Camper Abatements-
A motion was made Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to abate the following recreational vehicles as defined in RSA 216-I: 1, VIII having a valid motor vehicle registration and current number plate, having a maximum width of 8 feet and 6 inches while being transported and located at a “recreational campground or camping park,” those terms as defined in RSA 216-I: 1 VII, shall not be taxable real estate.

Map 4   Lot 156-0039RV in the amount of $131.00
Map 4   Lot 156-0043RV in the amount of $70.00
Map 4   Lot 156-0040RV in the amount of $127.00
Map 4   Lot 156-0060RV in the amount of $106.00
Map 4   Lot 156-0050RV in the amount of $164.00
Map 4   Lot 156-0044RV in the amount of $103.00
Map 4   Lot 156-0106RV in the amount of $21.00
Map 4   Lot 156-0083RV in the amount of $13.00
Map 4   Lot 156-0084RV in the amount of $216.00
Map 4   Lot 156-0108RV in the amount of $131.00
Motion passes.

Other Business-

Emergency Management Grant-
Mr. DeBold made a motion to accept a $4,000.00 Emergency Management Grant for the Emergency Management Plan for $4,000.00.  Mr. Jordan seconds the motion. Motion passes.

Joint Loss-
Mrs. Pinard stated that the Joint Loss Committee met for a meeting last week to review the safety manual which needs to be done every two years.  The committee is made up of Supervisors and employees from different departments.  Currently on the committee is Jodi Pinard, Deputy Cole representing the Fire Department, Donna Stockman from the Police Department, George Drew from the Highway Department, Lisa Prizio from the Library and Kristy Barnouski as the Chairperson.

Complaint on Hutchinson Rd-
A concerned resident complained about the condition of Hutchinson Rd.  She sent an email stating that it was in terrible condition and the dust has been really bad.  She was also worried about damage to her vehicle due to the road.

The Board of Selectmen asked Mrs. Pinard to reach out to the Road Agent to take a look at the road.

Highway truck-
The highway truck is ready to be auctioned or go up for bid.  Mr. Jordan recommended that we contact Atlantic Traders to do the Auction.  

Mrs. Pinard will contact them for details.

Pound Road-
Mrs. Pinard stated that there have been several complaints that someone has placed a boulder in the middle of pound road blocking passage.  She would like to send a letter to Mr. Anderson who is believed to have placed it there.  

Deputy Cole stated that he has spoken to Mr. Anderson about Pound Rd and indicated to him that Mr. Anderson believes the Road is on his land and he’s entitled to do so.

Mrs. Pinard will send a letter to Mr. Anderson asking him to come in speak about the Road.  

Deb Marden-
Ms. Marden stated that Atlantic Traders would be willing to donate two 20X30 tents as well as 200 chairs for the Old Home Day event.  

Members present from the Old Home Day Committee stated that wouldn’t work due to liability and problem with transportation of the tents and chairs to the event.

Ms. Marden also stated that the rumble on Route 28 are very disruptive.  She stated that people drive on them all day and night causing a very loud noise.  She stated that she has made a complaint at the state level and will be writing a letter.  

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:58pm. Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold                               Jeffrey Jordan            Tom Jameson